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FAULTS IN BELIEF AND FELLOWSHIP Question: Feelings of fellowship between people can be damaged because of some unexpected behavior, and thus goodwill towards one another can easily be weakened. Is this situation a result of a fault and immaturity in our belief? How can we attain...

CRYING OF THOSE WITH SAD HEARTS Question: It is stated that sometimes God grants mercy to an entire world upon the crying of one sad heart. Today, it seems that we do not feel deeply troubled and sympathize enough for humanity’s suffering, so as to weigh...

CHARITABLE TRUSTS IN MEDIEVAL ISLAM All over the vast Islamic world, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, various services that are fundamentally important to society have been financed and maintained through charitable trusts. Godliness and virtue is not that you turn your faces towards east or west;...

DIALOGUE WITH THE PEOPLE OF THE BOOK The attitude of believers is determined according to the degree of their faith. We believe that if the message is put across properly, then an environment conducive to dialogue will be able to emerge in our country and throughout...

TOLERANCE AND DIALOGUE IN THE QUR’AN AND THE SUNNAH The Qur’an always accepts forgiveness and tolerance as basic principles, so much so that “the servants of the All-Merciful” are introduced in the following manner: And the servants of (God) the All-Merciful are those who move on the...

ISLAM AS A RELIGION OF UNIVERSAL MERCY Life is the foremost and most manifest blessing of God Almighty, and the true and everlasting life is that of the Hereafter. Since we can deserve this life only by pleasing God, He sent Prophets and revealed Scriptures out...

A RELIGION OF TOLERANCE Islam is a word derived from the root words silm and salamah. It means surrendering, guiding to peace and contentment, and establishing security and accord. Islam is a religion of security, safety, and peace. These principles permeate the lives of Muslims. When Muslims stand to pray,...

TOLERANCE AND DIALOGUE Dialogue means the coming together of two or more people to discuss certain issues, and thus the forming of a bond between these people. In that respect, we can call dialogue an activity that has human beings at its axis. Undoubtedly, everyone is...

MAKING THE ATMOSPHERE OF TOLERANCE PERMANENT Knowledge, research, work, work method, organization of the workplace, helping one another, and reading the book of the universe are some of the things we have lost. Among the many things we have lost, perhaps the first and most important...

FORGIVENESS Humans are creatures with both exceptional qualities and faults. Until the first human appeared, no living creature carried such opposites within its nature. At the same time as humans beat their wings in the firmaments of heaven, they can, with sudden deviation, become monsters that...

TOLERANCE As a nation, we are experiencing an intense fervor of recovery and revival. If a wind of opposition does not hinder us, the coming years will be our “years of becoming.” However, there are differences in the methods of recovery and revival. There has been...

TOLERANCE AND LIBERALITY Be as vast as the oceans and take every soul to your bosom! Let faith keep you alert, cherish a never-ending affection for humanity, and leave no broken heart forgotten or ignored! Applaud the good for their goodness, appreciate those who have believing hearts,...

EDUCATION FROM CRADLE TO GRAVE Introduction The main duty and purpose of human life are to seek understanding. The effort of doing so, known as education, is a perfecting process though which we earn, in the spiritual, intellectual, and physical dimensions of their beings, the rank appointed...

UNIVERSAL MERCY AND EDUCATION The adage nowadays is that we all need love. So many people are talking about this. Islam teaches us that God’s act of creating humanity was an act of mercy and compassion. Compassion represents the love between parents and children as well...

WHAT GENERATIONS EXPECT FROM EDUCATION What do we mean when we mention education and training in relation to our current and future generations? How should we teach our values to new generations and who is to undertake this sacred duty? We have to find the answers to...

DIALOGUE IN THE MUHAMMAD (PBUH) SPIRIT AND MEANING We can recite tens of verses, one after the other, that is concerned with forgiveness, dialogue and opening one’s heart to all. This demonstrates the all-embracing nature or universality of Islam. For example, the Qur’an states, “peace is good” (An-Nisa 4:128). The verse...