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What Is the Revelation? Can we understand the true nature of Revelation? It is impossible for human beings to fully understand the true nature of Revelation. Only the Messengers to whom the Revelation was made can know its true nature. The attempt of ordinary people to define...

Revelation and the Prophet How was the Revelation conveyed to the Prophet? The Revelation was delivered to Prophet Muhammad in the following ways: a. The commencement of Revelation to the Prophet took the form of reliable dreams ( ru’ya al-sadiqa). Whatever he dreamed happened the following day, in...

Book From The Very First Revelation Though the Qur’an was revealed in parts, why does it refer to itself as the Book from the very first revelation, from a time before it was bound between covers? The term al-Kitab, or the Book, is used when we speak of the...

Wahy and Ilham (Revelation and Inspiration) Revelation and inspiration are two subjects that have been much discussed in Islamic religious sciences, as they are each an important dimension of effusion and manifestation. Telling someone about something, suggestion or gesture, sending a messenger, speaking to someone so privately...

The Mother of Prophet Moses  The Glorious Quran mentions the divine inspiration that the mother of Prophet Moses received: The Pharaoh, who ruled Egypt at the time when Prophet Moses was born, had the male children of the Israelites killed. The mother of Prophet Moses, worried that...