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Amir bin Fuhayra (r.a.)

Amir bin Fuhayra (r.a.)

It was a period when the most terrifying form of ignorance and oppression prevailed, and torture and brutality were committed in the most terrible way. At that time, helpless and weak people were enslaved; they were forced to work in jobs that even animals were not forced. It was the Era of Jahiliyya, when wealthy, noble and cruel people shed blood and when frightening clouds dominated the sky.

The true religion came to help people when they were hit by all kinds of misfortunes. The cloud of mercy dominated the sky and the sun of compassion rose. People ran to the light that this sun radiated. The majority of those who ran to that light consisted of the oppressed, despised, repressed and weak people and the slaves. These poor people took refuge in the compassion of Islam. They saw that they were also human beings and that they also had some rights.

One of the lucky people that joined Islam was Hz. Tufayl bin Abdullah’s black slave, Amir bin Fuhayra. Tufayl was Hz. Aisha’s half brother. Hz. Amir became a Muslim when the Prophet was in Arqam’s house.

The polytheists who heard that Amir bin Fuhayra became a Muslim found another victim for themselves. The increase in the number of those who gathered around the Prophet infuriated them. At that time, Hz. Bilal also believed. He faced a different kind of torture and infliction every day. The polytheists tortured him together with Amir bin Fuhayra.

One day, they tied a rope around Hz. Bilal and Hz. Amir bin Fuhayra and gave the rope to some naughty children. They were dragged in the streets of Makkah. The polytheists inflicted all kinds of tortures upon them. However, the torture of the furious polytheists did not affect these lovers of the Prophet at all; the more the severity of the torture increased, the more their patience and perseverance increased.

Finally, Hz. Abu Bakr came to the rescue of these two oppressed people. He freed them by paying the money necessary for their freedom to their owners. Thus, they virtually received the first reward of their patience in the world; they attained freedom in both the world and the hereafter.

Abu Quhafa could not understand why his son, Hz. Abu Bakr, freed Muslim slaves by paying money. One day, he called his son and said, “O my Son! I see that you always buy weak slaves and free them. Would not it be better if you bought strong ones so that they would be your protectors and supporters?”

Hz. Abu Bakr explained his lofty purpose to his father as follows:

“O Dad! I do not want to benefit from them by doing so; I want to attain the consent of Allah.”

Hz. Amir took part in the Battle of Badr and Uhud. He fought heroically in those battles.

Amir bin Fuhayra was from Ashab as-Suffa. He was one of the Companions who could read the Quran in a beautiful way. He was also among the scribes of the Prophet.

Four months after the Battle of Uhud, Abu Bara, the leader of the tribe of Sons of Amir living in the region of Najd, came to the Prophet and asked him to send a few Companions to teach his people about Islam. Abu Bara promised the Prophet that he would protect the Companions sent to him; thereupon, the Prophet sent a group of 40, or according to another narration 70, people from Ashab as-Suffa as a delegation of guidance. Amir bin Fuhayra was a member of this delegation.

When the delegation arrived at the region of Bi’r Mauna (Mauna Well), they stopped over. Abu Bara’s nephew, Amir bin Tufayl, did not obey his paternal uncle; and he gathered men from the tribes around and attacked the Companions who were resting there. They martyred 39 Companions.

When the polytheist called Jabbar bin Sulma stuck his sword in Amir bin Fuhayra, he heard the phrase “By Allah, I have gained.” When Hz. Amir became a martyr, he ascended to the sky. When Jabbar heard this phrase and saw the rise of Amir to the sky, he asked Hz. Dahhak about it. Dahhak told him that Amir attained Paradise. When Jabbar saw this, he became a Muslim. Thus, the martyrdom of one person became a means of belief for another person.

The author of the massacre, Amir bin Tufayl, took Hz. Amir bin Umayya, who survived the massacre, and wanted to learn the identities of the martyrs. Hz. Amir mentioned the names of the martyrs one by one; he said he could not see Amir bin Fuhayra. Amir bin Tufayl pointed to Jabbar and said, “Shall I inform you about him? That guy stuck his spear into him. After he pulled his speared out, the man rose up to the sky and disappeared. By Allah, I have not seen him again.”

When the Prophet was informed about the state of Amir bin Fuhayra, he said, “The angels raised his body to the sky and buried him.” At that time, Amir was 40 years old.

May Allah be pleased with him!

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