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Bara bin Malik (r.a.)

Bara bin Malik (r.a.)

Bara bin Malik, who was the brother of Anas bin Malik, who was a distinguished student of the school of Suffa in ilm and hadith narration, was a Companion who had material and spiritual conquests that made him distinguished along with religious services under the patronage and teaching of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Both brothers served Islam throughout their lives by receiving the rich gleams of the light of prophethood.

Bara bin Malik is an Islamic hero who repelled the enemy attacks in battlefields. When the Messenger of Allah saw his courage and heroism, he helped him develop these abilities. When we search his distinguished life, we see that he took part in almost all battles with the Messenger of Allah. Bara continued and developed his heroism after the death of the Messenger of Allah. He rushed to death bravely with the desire to rejoin the Messenger of Allah soon.

Although Hz. Umar knew about his courage and recklessness, he stated that he should not be appointed as the commander of an army. For, he was worried that he could put the Muslims in a difficult situation by attacking into the ranks of the enemy recklessly due to his excitement.

Indeed, he acted like that in most of the battles. He fought heroically in the wars that took place because of the incidents of fake prophets. Especially when he fought against Musaylima in Yamama, he drove the army of Musaylima into a corner.  Musaylima and his soldiers took refuge in a castle. Bara bin Malik jumped over the wall of the castle and entered the castle alone. He fought heroically against Musaylima’s soldiers and managed to open the castle door from inside. The Islamic army that entered through the door defeated Musaylima and killed him.  We can understand from his address to the people of Madinah from what feeling the heroism of Bara bin Malik emerged:

“O people of Madinah! Suppose that you no longer have Madinah today. Suppose that you do not own your property. Today, there is only the consent of Allah and Paradise.”

It is reported that Bara bin Malik, who participated in the war with courage and heroism with the speed and inspiration he received from the feeling of this enthusiastic belief, was wounded in more than 80 places in this war. Khalid bin Walid looked after his wounds for a month.

Hz. Bara always begged and prayed to Allah:

“O Lord! Do not allow me to die in my bed. I hope that Allah will not make me die in my bed. ”

His voice was very nice and he recited poems from time to time; he got angry with his brother Anas when he said, “How long will you keep going like this?” He said to Anas, “Do you think I will die in bed?” The deep and enthusiastic meaning of martyrdom was so intertwined with his soul that he regarded dying in bed as a big misfortune for him.

Because the soul of Bara did not accept death in bed by seeking martyrdom with the strong motive of heroism, Allah gave him this highest rank. He took part in the conquest of Tustar. He fought heroically in the Battle of Tustar. At first, it looked as if the Muslims would be defeated of at the beginning. The mujahids were in a difficult situation. The Companions consulted each other, trying to find new battle strategies for victory. In the meantime, people watched Bara secretly. They looked at his eyes, which expressed his heroism very well. It looked as if what would bring victory and approach the conquest was a sign of courage from him. He had received the praise of the Messenger of Allah. He was a heroic student of the school of Suffa.

“There are so many people with disheveled hair, covered with dust; if they swear by Allah then He shall fulfill it. Among them is Al-Bara bin Malik.” Thus, the Messenger of Allah expressed his high virtue. The Companions who knew this very well looked as if they were waiting for Bara to prove this praise of the Prophet.

In the meantime, Hz. Bara bin Malik looked as if he saw the silent signs of the high rank of martyrdom. And Bara attacked together with the Companions. Defeat was on the way for the Iranian army. The enemy commander was killed. Thus, the conquest of Tustar approached.

Living with the love of rejoining the Messenger of Allah, Bara bin Malik killed 100 people before he was martyred by the sword of an Iranian named “Hurmuzan”. Thus, he flew to his real friends.

This symbol of heroism brought up by the school of Suffa spent his life to spread Islam until he breathed his last. Allah Almighty rewarded him by giving him the honor of the rank of martyrdom.

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