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Assalamuu Aliakum, I'm really confused about slavery and Islam. Why was slavery allowed in Islam? Did the Prophet SAW have slaves and concubines? What about Maria Qibtiyya? I thought a relationship between a male and female was not allowed outside the bounds of marriage in...

Not to rain on your parade but the concept of appointing female Islamic judges is still considered highly controversial and impermissible by all major schools of Islamic thought. Since you consider yourself a 'tradiionalist' I'm surprised that you would support something that is considered unacceptable...

Assalamu alaykum, brother Osama. IMPORTANT question: I heard that Islam does not allow adoption, but that quickly raises questions because of Zayd In Harithah. I don't know if maybe you studied this and can help me out or clarify. Cause I would think adoption is...